
A personal lifestyle blog for everyone.

Here you will find topics from growing up + marriage + travel + day-to-day life to heavier issues such as trauma + breaking the cycle + anything & everything in between.

I hope my stories encourage you not to keep it all in!

Your story has a purpose!

"Your word is a lamp to guide my feet & a light for my path."

Psalm 119:105

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  • Marriage

    5 minutes of peace rule- in marriage

    Have you ever asked yourself- "Why am I complaining?" I'm sure we have all experienced becoming annoyed by our spouse or partner a time or two…. or maybe more if some are honest. 😆 I knew I did not want to be the nagging wife when I got married. I constantly heard (and I'm sure…

Hey there

I'm Emily!

Welcome to my little space on the internet, where I share bits and pieces of my life. I am a twenty-three-year-old sharing her life and writings to help people know their story has a purpose!

I’m so glad you are here + stay awhile!

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  • Sharing your story

    Sometimes, I think we don't feel like we can share what we are going through. There can be a couple of reasons for this, but most of the time, it is because we fear what other people think or might say about us. But guess what... what other people think about you is none of…

  • Top 5 productivity tips

    Productivity is crucial. It is essential for your work, your space, and your mind. Everyone is so busy nowadays that it is hard to take time for pretty much anything, so we need to be more mindful of what we are doing. Can we do it more efficiently? If you think about it, there is…

  • Intentionality: 2024 Word of the Year

    ✨Intentionality✨I think this may just be my word of the year! I don't think I have ever done a Word of the Year before, but I know I have done a Word of the Month a few times. As I went through the different areas of my life, setting and writing my goals for them,…

  • Thankful. Grateful. Blessed.

    Remember today, on Thanksgiving, and every day to be more thankful 🧡 I look back at my life and am so grateful that I am still here. Looking back and seeing how the Lord has had his hand on my life. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have the life I have now. His…

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