23 Things I’ve Learned In 23 Years

I just had my 23rd birthday pass at the end of July and wanted to do something special with some of the things I have learned.

I have many a journal filled with my thoughts and feelings over the years, so I decided to compile a list of 23 things I’ve learned in 23 years. Although not a new concept, I had this idea come to me through praying about launching SincerelyEmily. How fitting for my first official blog post!

So, without further ado, here are the 23 things I’ve learned in 23 years!

1. To say yes more & to say no more

  • Say yes more to hanging out with friends or family when you usually would say no. Go out and have fun. Say yes more to opportunities that come up. Say yes even when you are afraid it won’t work out or are unsure. 
  • Say no more when you need rest or when you really don’t want to go somewhere or do something. Stand up for yourself and your health when you need to. Say no more if you know it would be better to say no. Don’t be afraid to make people uncomfortable with your “no”.

2. A bad moment does not make a bad day

  • Pretty plain and simple. Just because there was a bad moment doesn’t mean the entire day is ruined. 5 minutes does not dictate 24 hours, so don’t let it!

3. Create memories over to-do lists. The lists will always be there

  • I’ve tried this in the last year or so, and it has been good! I am the type of person to see what needs to be done and will keep working until the list is gone, not stopping for much of anything. Creating memories is SO important, and the opportunity won’t always be there, but your to-do list of some variation will be.

4. It is okay if people don’t understand

  • People do not always have to understand why you are doing something. Why you make the decisions you do. It’s not always their place to know these things, and that is okay. 

5. Don’t let anyone dim your passions. You have them for a reason

  • You have passions for a reason, so don’t give up on them. You have that specific passion for a purpose; someone else may be counting on you to pursue that, so don’t let anyone discourage you or take that away!

6. Making mistakes is a part of life

  • If you never try, you will never succeed. Mistakes are a part of life and will happen. Don’t let them stop you from getting up and trying again! If you always do what you’ve always done, then you will always have what you’ve always had.

7. Tell your story! It has a purpose!

  • Telling your story will help you and may help others, too! It is such a beautiful thing for it to get out there. It can be a scary and vulnerable step, but I promise it is worth it.

8. No dream is too big. Work hard for it

  • If you want something, then you need to work for it! Your dreams should be so big that they scare you.

9. Don’t be afraid to let your faith be known. Stand up for what you believe in.

  • Life can be challenging, and one thing I don’t understand is how anyone can go through life not knowing God. There are so many things I have gone through, and I could not have gotten through them without God. There is so much peace in knowing him. He is our provider, our protector, and our peace.

10. Regrets are okay because they lead you to where you are now. They teach us and help us avoid repeating

  • Regrets are okay! Although remembering them hurts. This helps us to avoid repeating the same things that we end up regretting.

11. How you make others feel matters

  • Be kind to everyone! You never know what they are going through. They may not remember what you said to them, but they WILL remember how you made them feel in that moment.

12. Communication goes a long way and really is key

  • I know, I know, cliche but super true! Communication really is key to so many areas—your job, spouse, family, friends, etc. You can avoid so much fuss and misunderstanding if you communicate ahead of time. Sometimes, it is not what you say but how it comes across.

13. Own up and be honest even when it’s hard

  • Being honest can be difficult, but it is always better to be honest, even though it is hard. Honesty is a rewarding attribute.

14. Take care of your mind and body

  • Our minds and bodies are so important and should be taken care of to keep us healthy and thriving.

15. Be flexible because plans change

  • Something that was very difficult for me in the beginning but has increasingly gotten easier over the years is being more flexible. It is unrealistic never to expect plans to change. Rather than being hard on yourself or being frustrated, welcome change and stay calm. One bite at a time is my motto for this!

16. Appreciate the little things

  • You hear this a lot, but the little things matter. They really do! Something I’ve especially learned in marriage.

17. You can never say I Love You too much 

  • One thing my mom was good at was always telling people that she loved them any chance she got. My husband and his family do this, too, and I’m super grateful for it! You don’t have to have a special reason or time to tell the people you love that you love them, so just tell them!

18. Comparing yourself wastes only your time

  • There is no sense in wasting your time comparing yourself to others. For any reason. Life is honestly too short to wish to be like anyone else or to have what they have!

19. What others think about me is none of my business

  • Now, this can be another hard one, but…. what others think about me is none of my business! Just like the back of my head is none of my business. 😆 Someone will always have something to say, and we don’t have to involve ourselves in it or keep ourselves in it. There comes a time when you would rather say “okay” than explain yourself over every little detail. Sometimes, it doesn’t matter what you say. Just say YIKES, and move on!

20. Unforgiveness only hurts you. The other person most likely doesn’t think or care about it like you do.

  • Unforgiveness can be very hard to get through. It is something I worked heavily on a few years ago. Not forgiving someone only hurts you and will continue to! The other person may not think about the situation like you do or care at all, which can be hurtful, but the best thing we can do is to pray for them and forgive them. That doesn’t mean you have to forget it and allow the same situation to happen again. You also will need to realize if an apology is what you seek – you may never get it.

21. Learning lessons can be so much fun

  • We all know lessons can be hard to learn and not fun at times, even challenging, but they are what you make it. Make learning fun! Many lessons in life need to be learned, so why not have fun with them too?

22. You cannot make everyone happy, and that’s okay

  • It is hard to please everybody, and who wants to do that anyway? Be okay with realizing someone can be upset; fixing it isn’t always our responsibility. Nor is it possible in every situation!

23. You are not running out of time. There is so much ahead; it is never too late

  • This is a big struggle for me sometimes, and I know for many others, too! We constantly feel like we need to chase what is next but need to realize the blessings and answered prayers we are currently in. I catch myself looking to the future and feeling like time is going by so fast and I have so little time left. But that’s not true! There is SO much more life to live, and it’s never too late to chase those dreams!

I am excited to see the next lessons I will learn, and I hope these lessons inspired you in some way!

Tell me in the comments something you have learned in life so far!

Sincerely, Emily


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