Birth Control Regret- a pcos diagnosis

Maybe you clicked on this because you are in the same boat, or maybe because you want to learn more. Either way, I’m glad you are here!

To start this story, we have to go a few years back. I suffered from headaches and migraines for a long time before trying to get help. Several years of excruciating pain and, at times, nobody believing me. My doctor wanted to help me get to the bottom of this. I tried all the medications at the time to help: the preventative ones, the onset ones, the after ones, you name it. I even tried many natural ways, and nothing seemed to help.

Fast forward to 2 years into college, when I discovered that birth control pills could help with migraines, I almost immediately jumped on board and got on a combination pill. Specifically, the Levora combination pill. I got little instruction and no information besides the lengthy paper square packet with my prescription delivery every three months. I am a research type of gal, but I didn’t do much research on the topic this time. It helped, so I didn’t really care!

Prior to getting on birth control, I had one aura migraine years before, so that was one red flag I had to look out for. If I had one more, I would have to stop taking the pill immediately. The aura migraine could be because of my blood pressure and a clot, which could then cause a stroke.

I was having a great time on the pill at first because I was not experiencing any migraines and no acne; my period was regular for the first time in my life and only lasted seven days, which was super unusual for me. Over time, I began to notice a little weight gain, which was great since I was underweight.

I was on birth control for about a year and a half when I had another aura migraine at our church candlelight service. It was very scary because the room was dark except for all the light from the candles. I was with my husband and friend and I immediately felt sick and saw the flashing lights but nothing else. I began to cold sweat and was nervous. I sent a message to the doctor about what happened and about stopping the pill. She confirmed not to take any more.

Healing from the after-effects has been challenging. I thought my body would go back to the way it was before. It could take a month or two, but it would all be alright with some time. I was told most go back to normal within three months, so that is what I expected. That has proven to be false. With other side effects also came more weight gain. Even with working out and eating well, none of it seemed to help. I am working on healing my body, inside out, and trying to be patient. I have done some things on this journey that I would not recommend, but it was my only choice in the moment.

In March of this year, 2023, I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). This came after many blood tests, ultrasounds, and doctor visits. To be completely transparent, this obviously was not a diagnosis I wanted, and it was hard when I first got the call with my results. PCOS is different for every woman, but it is a hormonal disorder. To learn more in depth I recommend searching PCOS since there are numerous resources out there. I will be sharing more on my experience as well.

This is also not something many people know at all because I chose not to tell many people so that I could keep it under wraps. I have been very careful not to speak it over myself, and I don’t want others to, either. This is a personal decision that I have chosen. So, it is a little uncomfortable sharing it with the world, but it has been laid on my heart very heavily to share.

Getting on birth control was honestly the worst decision I made for myself, and I so desperately wish I had been educated on it. I would have made a very different decision had I known.

As I said, I am a researcher, but I didn’t research this much because I knew so many women on birth control and hadn’t heard anything wrong about their experiences. Only that it was helpful to them, and they weren’t experiencing headaches or other symptoms nearly as much as before.

Now, looking back and adding to this writing, after even more time has passed, I realize I made the best decision I knew how to make in the moment. I just wanted relief, and I got it. It did help me in a few ways, but it also ended up hurting me. It sucks, but it is okay. I don’t like to have regrets, but I did learn from it.

I’ve also learned more about my walk with Christ during this journey. We need to stop claiming illnesses; they are not our pets. Stop saying You are ___ , I am ___ , I have ___, You have ___ and so on. Stop allowing others to say the same over you too. Keep your circle full of people who are going to speak life and not death over you. Words have power. We have doctors for a reason, acknowledge but don’t claim. I acknowledge the doctors diagnosis, but I don’t claim it, and at the same time, I am putting in the work to help it.

This is just the first part of this journey as I will continue to share more of my experience.

Sincerely, Emily


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